Evidence & Studies

Both the City of Boston and the City of Somerville have commissioned independent analyses to understand the costs and benefits of enacting a Real Estate Transfer Fee. These studies show that this policy would generate millions of dollars for affordable housing, while having only a negligible effect on the real estate market. Read the studies below.


“A real estate transfer tax has the potential to generate substantial tax revenue, given the billions of dollars of annual real estate sales in Boston.”

“Transfer taxes may have only muted impacts on real estate markets…”


“With a transfer fee of 1%, this could yield between $6.6 million to $9.1 million in annual fee revenue to support affordable housing in Somerville.”


“Depending on how the local tax was structured –and the number of transfers covered –these eight communities could have raised as much as $18.2 million total over the last 5 years. ”

A grassroots coalition supports the Real Estate Transfer Fee